The Real Problem With Bullies and Mean Girls

There was a cartoon that went viral (Am I using that correctly? I want to say it circulated around the internet a lot) It showed a young woman in a head scarf, or a hijab. As the illustration was leading us to believe this was a Muslim woman, we are going to use hijab. Anyway, the woman was on a bus cowering as a large man was in front of her shouting racial slurs in her face. Even thought it was a cartoon it was unnerving- as was its purpose.

In the proceeding frames we see another woman get up and move to a seat next to the woman being attacked and speaking to her, taking her attention away from the man. The point of the cartoon was to illustrate how a bystander can diffuse a situation like this by approaching the person being targeted and engaging them in conversation to comfort them and to make them, distract them, make them feel they are not alone, and to disorient the attacker, and it worked, according to the cartoon. The would be assailant relented as his taunts and shouting did not get the reaction he was counting on. HOORAY FOR THE SUPERHERO’LIKE INTERVENTIONIST!

I find this, however, way too easy and convenient.

Don’t get me wrong. I think people who step in and help should be applauded. This cartoon Wonder Women represented many who insert themselves in harms way to defend someone who cannot defend themselves. This is not what I take issue with.

“Well, if you really want to look like that?” She sneered at her 7 year old daughter with a scoff and an eye roll. “I mean, we’re going to be in town shopping and everyone’s going to see you like that.” With this new dig she gave me a ‘come on don’t you agree look’. Disturbed, I looked at her daughter, who was scared and hunched over bracing for another attack, “I think you look beautiful.” I think that helped a little, at least the the child seemed somewhat comforted, the mother however was not happy with me.


Another mother brags about how her children already know that Wal-Mart is “low rent” and only scary people go there. Another time, when I was in the car with them, she pointed out large houses to her young son and told him only rich people live there and we hate rich people. They laughed together- I cringed.

“Let’s all get together and talk about what a great time we had and how she missed out.” Was another woman’s plan to single out a friend who didn’t go on a trip the rest of them took together. That’s right. A bunch of them took a girls trip and one of their friends didn’t go so this women’s response was, let’s gang up on her and make sure she feels bad.

I could go on with many more examples, but you get the jist, and my point is that this is what I take issue with. Bullies and Mean Girls don’t know that they are Bullies and Mean Girls. They don’t think they are attacking someone, they think they are showing how someone else is wrong or are protecting themselves against the other persons behavior they fell is a threat.

The little girl who’s mother was more concerned with what strangers thought of superficial appearances than the fact that her daughter was proud she got ready all by herself. This is a threat to her as she feels insecure about what people think of her appearance.

The mother condemning Wal-Mart as well as rich people to her child. The threat being, people in a lower or much higher income bracket are not like me, so let’s put them down.

The friend who didn’t go on the girls trip was a threat to the women organizing the ganging up on her. She feels people who don’t fall in line with what she wants as a threat.

The man on the bus, the same. This person is not like me. It makes me feel uncomfortable. They are a threat.

You’re not like me. You do not live the way I live. You do not look the way I look, or have a look that makes me feel comfortable. You practice a different religion. You are not afraid of what I am afraid of. You do not want to participate in what I want to participate in. Anything that isn’t like me or I don’t understand is seen as a threat and I must extinguish all threats.

And that is the real problem. We have an image of Bullies and Mean Girls as a boys from a trailer park with cut off sleeves and Mean Girls from movies like Heathers or, well, Mean Girls. We do not address where it a lot of it really comes from. The little moments sprinkled throughout our growing up like the above examples.

We must address the individual behaviors that we feel threatens us and learn what it is about ourselves why we feel threatened and learn to extinguish this impulse in ourselves instead of using others as a target.

You’re Not Special, You’re Not Different

“There! Right there!” My friend Michelle shouts at a man walking- scratch that, now after some psycho chick screams at him like he’s a Beatle he has begun a sprint, to an elevator. “He is SO cute!” I didn’t find him cute at all. “Do you know him?” I don’t have time to tell her no because her attention is diverted by another innocent victim. “Look at him!” George bolts in the other direction.  She’s spots them so fast I barely have time to walk away and pretend I don’t know her. “How ’bout right there?!” There goes Paul. “Or him!” And then Ringo.

No, we are not in a night club. No, we were not in New York at the Ford agency for male models. And, no, Michelle did not just get out of prison. We are in my office lobby. All I’m trying to do is walk out the door, but she is dead set on finding me a man, any man, so I will hurry up and get married already.

Michelle has the same mentality of some others who tell me the same thing. Just grab someone, anyone. Just anyone? Disturbing.

I would be so hurt if over and over and over again my spouse repeatedly diminished our relationship by insisting that a single friend, “just find someone, anyone.” As if it’s something utilitarian- like a pair of socks.

“Just hurry up and pick someone so you can get married.” My niece begs me. She’s ten. It’s cute, and since she is my favorite niece, she can get away with it. She can also get away with it because she is a child and is thinking wedding, not marriage. This fantasy is understandable for a child, she wants to wear a dress and be part of the celebration, but for the people three to five times older than her………

“Marcus sat me down last night to have a talk.” Her spirit visibly broken, Karen explained how her husband has been having a tough time dealing with her faults. I wanted to vomit and smack her at the same time. “I know, I have some things that are tough to deal with.” Correction- I wanted to take out a hit on him. As I sit keeping my thoughts to myself, nodding and listening, I recall when Karen started dating Marcus. He would insult her friends, and she would laugh and agree. He would put her down and and she would try to be “better”.  Whatever the hell that means.

When Robin met Jeff she barely acknowledged his existence. When he started to lose interest and see other people, she became obsessed. She stalked him and they played cat and mouse and many nights she cried, “Why does he treat me this way?”  I would just listen and listen and listen. Not wait to talk. Not interrupt. Not until I couldn’t take it anymore. “You don’t even like this guy.” I told her one night after she asked me for the 100th hypothetical time why he treated her that way. “When he backed off and started seeing other people, then you became interested.”

All these things change when the prospect of marriage arises. Then after the honeymoon, all this comes back with a vengeance. But they all have the same excuse, I want to start my life/I want to get going and have kids/That’s what everyone else is doing. Why people want to sell out their feelings for these reasons confuses me as much as me being single confuses them.

I feel for those who feel stuck in these positions, but sorry, it will not be me. So you can stop chasing down strangers on a passing bus. I am too special, I am too different.

It’s The Best Jerry! The Best!

I am a filmophile (and yes, obviously I like Seinfeld too). It’s one of the reasons I pay a fortune for my cable. In fact, It Happened One Night is coming on in a few minutes and I am furious I’m too tired to stay up to watch it. I’ve seen it about 100 times- it doesn’t matter. I want to watch it again. Then again. And then again after that.

I love this movie. It’s a classic that won several awards and is hailed by filmmakers as one of the great romantic comedies of all time. But I don’t care about all that. I watch it over and over again because I like it. No other reason. I just enjoy watching it.

“The Godfather is the best movie ever made.”  John’s favorite movie is the Godfather. “Film schools dedicate classes to it.” John feels he must make a case for his opinion, “…some so called experts like to say this old movie Citizen Kane is…” A strong case. And whoever doesn’t think so is wrong!” And whoever didn’t think so was wrong.

“I just had the most AMAZING workout!” Miranda like her workout. “The exercises were superior to what’s out now.” She liked it a lot. “People don’t realize they’ve been exercising incorrectly and will not get any real results if they don’t do these moves.” A whole lot.

Being vulnerable is scary to some people. They have to have an army with them to justify their feelings. Putting themselves in the position to stand alone is terrifying. They don’t have the strength or confidence to simply say, I just like it.

“This salad dressing is the BEST!” I didn’t like it. “There was an article in Real Simple magazine that rated it the new top condiment.” To me it tasted like creamy grass and I scraped it off my lettuce. I was berated for this and scoffed at for not having any taste. I just didn’t like it. Settle down.

Take that plunge. Try liking something all on your own. Exercise your right to be an individual and stand up for your opinions. That is of course, if  you can get others do it with you.

Screw it, I can be tired tomorrow. I’m staying up for 101.

Compact Mirrors II

“Alright now girls, look how people treated him, and see how it turned out?” Jennifer, Lisa’s mother, was proud of herself for nipping this problem in the bud. She turned off the TV and left the little girls to think about what they had done.

What they had done was at school a few days before. Lisa (8), organized a group with her friends. This group was for cute dressed girls only, and Lisa told other girls they couldn’t join because of how they were dressed. A teacher heard this exchange and called their mothers.

Jennifer’s idea to teach the girls how to treat people was to show the girls the effects teasing/making fun/mean girling, or whatever it’s supposed to be called now, has. So she showed them a video of one of those Talent shows. An unattractive man came onstage everyone laughed and booed him, but then when he started to sing everyone applauded and cheered as he turned out to be an incredible singer.

This was Jennifer’s solution. Huh? This makes no sense to me, and I’m a little more than a little older than eight years old.

First of all, the reasoning behind this parenting tactic was to teach the children what? That you shouldn’t laugh at and exclude someone based on what they look like because they might be a talented singer? In other words, we should be nice to everyone because you never know if they will be popular or of value someday?

Second and most importantly, how does this relate to everyday real life?

I cannot count how many times Lisa’s parents have condemned with eye rolls and scoffing at everyone from celebrities to friends and family based on appearance.  A few times when Lisa would play dress up; “You’re not going out in public looking like that!”  her father practically shouted. Another time, “That’s a nice outfit.” her mother snarked and laughed at Lisa, “if you really want to look that way.” 

The immediate adults in a child’s life are the ones they mimic/react to, or more specifically their behavior, even more specifically, how they speak to/treat one another and those around them. It’s in the minutiae of daily interaction not the phony circus of playing grown up with lectures and nonsensical examples. By the time mom and dad decide to put their parenting caps on to set an example it’s far far far too late.

These band-aid on a bullet wound quick fixes only highlight hypocrisy and create confusion. Then when these examples are not followed, it’s- Ugh, what can you do? Children never listen.

I agree with that. Children never listen. They pay attention.

They pay attention to something you do not-  you. 

More Stupid Losers Who Are Dumb

“…it’s just dumb….he’s just dumb, that’s all it is!”  The death of Phillip Seymour Hoffman was the topic. “He just wanted another high and died for it.”  Was another opinion. The gaggle of gals were all in agreement of what a dumb/stupid move doing drugs was.

Just plain stupid and dumb. Wow.

“She is such loser!”  Heather complained. “You wouldn’t believe her.” Heather is complaining about her boyfriends sister. Complaining that she is what is commonly known as white trash and basically lives in a trailer park. Heather fumed at this girl and her loser lifestyle. One loser boyfriend after another, C rated dive bars and barely has anything to do with her family. “What am I going to do, I have to spend an entire week with her?!”

To assume you know what someone is walking around with is naive, arrogant, and flat out cruel.

Maybe Mr. Hoffman had a mental illness or past tragedy that only he was privy too, didn’t feel comfortable reaching out to talk about it and dealt with it the only way he felt equipped too. And my friend Heather’s boyfriends loser sister- her father started to molest her when she was 12 years old. A bit traumatic I would think. But she’s a loser??? And BTW, Heather is a therapist. 

The venom they use to talk about these poor souls is disturbing.

Logic would dictate that the venom spewers feel more comfortable talking about people in this manner as this is how you were taught to talk about people or you feel threatened by their behaviors. OK, so, this is how the people in your life trivialized behaviors when you grew up. So, you are an adult. You don’t have to behave this way. Or, you are threatened. Why? What’s happening or happened in your life that the automatic response is to attack? Maybe look at this aspect of yourself instead of condemning someone for not dealing with their intimate struggles they way you think they should.

Actually, never mind all that- why are you saying anything at all? Just shut up. Then you won’t come across as just plain s___ and d___.

Amazing Amy!

No, I’m not referring to Gone Girl. I’m referring to me. Wonderful, INCREDIBLE, AMAZING ME!!

At least those were the words people used at an office I worked in- it was nauseating.

Oh my God! Thank you! Thank you sooooooooooooooooo much, you are AMAZING!” Was an email from a co-worker. You know what I did? I ordered lunch. I used the company card, pressed four buttons on my keyboard. Voila….yay for me.

I was amazing for putting the copy paper in the copier instead of letting it sit on the counter next to the copier. I was amazing for walking to the other side of the office to talk to HR instead of sending an email. I was amazing for coming into the office at the required time instead of staggering in whenever I felt. I was amazing, AMAZING, AAAAAMMMMMAAAAZING!!!

Praise for performing at below mediocre has become the new standard. You hear all the time about little leagues not keeping score, and just showing up anywhere gets you a trophy. The only place where this works is in Meet the Fockers. Ben Stiller’s character’s parents (Dustin Hoffman and Barbara Streisand- who. btw, are hysterical!) have a shrine to him and his 9th place ribbons.

“I don’t understand.” Another co-worker marveled at me. “You work so hard and never complain.” First of all, I did not work that hard. And complain? Complain about what? If I were a lifer I would have been set. It was close to where I lived, great benefits, decent pay, and saying a monkey could do it wouldn’t be fair. Monkeys are far too intelligent. The only thing to complain about was the Farrells-like overzealous praising for handing someone a paperclip. 

This fake cheering is irritating not only because, well, it’s just f*%@!%# irritating! I don’t connect/react well to phoniness and forced celebration. But more importantly, it takes away from people who legitimately deserve such a title. 

I knew a girl who had been molested. It went on for a while. It was a family situation, the father started it all with an older sibling and as per usual, children mimic what they know/has been done to them, so it eventually trickled down and afflicted my friend. This was in an affluent area where people wouldn’t dare speak of anything of this nature. Nobody knew, until she said something. All hell broke loose. Her mother sort of knew but didn’t confirm or want to say it out loud; back then people weren’t Oprah-vised like they are now. It was messy, sad, and remarkable. My friend was the remarkable one. She was a teenager who did the confronting, understanding, forgiving and moving on. All this with no therapy and the only support were us dim-witted teenagers who had no clue what to do for her. All we could figure out is that she was incredibly brave.

Another friend was kicked out of her house at 18 for being pregnant. Her parents were very religious and old school. They were very active in their community and church and even took in a young girl as her parents kicked her out of the house for becoming pregnant. Isn’t that giving and sweet? Their own daughter, however, was horrible for embarrassing them and they wanted her to immediately get an abortion. When she refused, as she wanted to keep the baby because she was raised pro-life- as they taught her….BOOM….out the door she went! Their own daughter was kicked out of the house, but a stranger was more than welcome. Aren’t they lovely? She left, made it work, and is still happily married to the father, and was the one who patched things up with her parents.

11 year old William died of complications from AIDS. He contracted this from suburban business men who paid his parents to abuse him. The boy was kept in a closet his whole life and was only allowed out for this use. He found it in himself to run away and find decent help, but it was too late, he died within months of being rescued. The documentary had his last moments before he died. He was sweet, mature, calm, and unbelievably understanding and forgiving when he talked about his parents and the men who did this to him.

The use of amazing should be reserved for these people, not for someone who emailed an Excel spreadsheet.

For some reason the world is moving in this (mis)direction. If I had children, I would weep for their future.


Something Bad

“….Ha! I knew it would be something bad.” Was a friends response when I told him about my Blog. Not this one. It’s another one about my mother, which is hilarious by the way.

But his point was, of course it would be something bad-  as I am bad.

I understand why he said this. I understand why most people say this, much more than they do.

Back in what is known as The Day, we went out and did the usual. Drank too much, behaved like idiots, and looked for guys. It was great. We had fun. We had a lot of fun. But eventually that tapers off. Priorities change. The mere thought of getting ready to go out became exhausting. Everyone paired off and work and saving for a wedding and a home became priority. All did this, except me. I was always single, and still am. And me being the “single” friend caused concern for my friends significant others. They would assume going out with me would entail what we did years before but really, they just liked to use this as an excuse.

On the phone with my friend Kathy the awful truth came out. “Paul and I got in a huge fight…..can we do it next weekend when he’s out of town?” I was puzzled. “Wouldn’t you want to get out of the house if you had a fight?”  She was quiet for too long, then; “Well….Paul doesn’t like it when I go out with you.” What!? “What!?” She went on. “Well….it’s just…..he doesn’t like the attention from men, or drinking and driving.” OK. “OK, but we’re just going to dinner. No drinking, no men. We’re not 25 anymore.”  After some hemming and hawing we did go out and after she drank a couple glasses of wine, it came out. Paul’s issue with me had nothing to do with drinking or men.

When their little ladies are at home and safely under their thumb,  all is fine. But after being with me they change, and I get blamed. My friends significant others didn’t like an influence that shines a light on their insecurities as it makes it near impossible for them to disguise these fears as concern, like the BS of “I don’t want you drinking and driving.”

“And that is why I will never talk to you about my marriage again!” Jessica practically shouted at me. “You caused the biggest fight between me and Dave!” Confused at this outburst, I quickly put the pieces together. A few weeks earlier Jessica and I were chatting on my couch and she vented about her husband Dave. After the usual girl talk and over analyzing, she asked me what I thought. I suggested what I had to many others who have asked me to get in the middle of their relationship-  go to a professional. You want to vent, a shoulder, someone to be on your side? I’m all yours. You want results, seek a professional therapist.

Turns out Dave did not agree with my suggestion. When she went home to ask him if she could go to a therapist, he said no. Are you following this? She went home and asked if she could go talk to someone who would help her be a stronger and happier person, and he said no. Get it? The inmate- went to her jailer- asked for a key to the cell- and the jailer said no. Shocking! And of course it was all my fault, because I am a bad influence. I encouraged my friend to be happy. What a monster.

When Lisa and I would go out and get a little silly.….I mean…uh, drunk, she’d call John to say she was staying at my place so she didn’t have to drive. You’d think he’d tell her it was a good idea- wrong! He berated for being so silly on the phone with him. “You should hear how you sound, imagine what people thought when you were out. See, this is what happens when you’re with Amy.” Yes. That’s what would happen. Instead of being terrified of what strangers thought, we would act ridiculous and have fun. How horrible.

“He just….I don’t know…..doesn’t like it when I come home and blames it on seeing you. I’m different…..I  talk about things he’s not interested in….he doesn’t like it….” Another friend told me. Her fiance only liked it when she talked about what was for dinner.

It’s much less scary to label someone as a “bad”. That way, you don’t have to examine why you find their behavior threatening.

So, the Blog I was referring to at the beginning, that started all this, the one about my mother;  It really is very funny.

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid (Compact Mirrors I)

“…..didn’t you feel so stupid?” A former co-worker of mine was on the phone with her 10 year old daughter. Practically sneering into the receiver she continued. “I mean, everyone is looking at you, ya know what I mean? And you look and feel so stupid.”   

Apparently what happened was, her daughter fell. She fell down. She was at recess and fell. Like most children do. Children!? Like most adults. Most notably- me. I have blamed many a bruise on a drunken night, when I actually just fell. Completely sober. But this isn’t about me and my natural imbalance.

Did this little girl really need to hear over and over and over again how bad she should feel about herself on top of actually having a physical injury? She probably would have appreciated a very simple and sincere, “are you OK?” from her mother but instead was repetitively told that she should feel worse than she already did.

But that was the standard with this co-worker. Everything was stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. He looks stupid, she sounds stupid, why would you do anything that someone else might think is stupid. I heard this countless times a day. I heard her on the phone with her daughter telling her not to be stupid, not to sit next to anyone in school who might be stupid because she might catch it. Needless to say I was stupid for many reasons; still being single, not finishing college, or for saying what she deemed, a stupid comment in a meeting. Her daughter would visit the office and it was the typical cute scenario of seeing where mom worked, but took a dark turn when her mother started gossiping and making fun of co-workers, “…he walks around like this all day…” she contorts her face and they both laugh. My jaw was on the floor. “He’s such a loser, it’s hard to believe he has a job here.” My jaw broke through the floor.

When a friend of my co-worker was talking about being frustrated because she wasn’t married, the 10 year old told her that she was going to get married much earlier than her because when she grew up she wasn’t going to be stupid. The group of gals thought this was a hoot, laughed, and praised her for being so smart and observant. Yikes.

Another time when I was at their house for a party. I took a bite out of an hors d’oeuvre and I made an “eww” face, and then subtlety spit it into my napkin. The little girl busted me with an eye roll and condescension, “well, why did you eat it then?”  Then I heard her call me….wait for it……can you guess??? STUPID! 

What’s remarkable about these situations is the eventual turn of the coin-  many a day my co-worker would come into work very upset. She would be dumbstruck and have tears in her eyes as she would tell me about her morning with her daughter. “It was like she was taunting me….and talking to me like I was stupid.” I know I’ve overused this word, but that’s what she said. I would nod and listen, but in my head, “are you f@*&%!* kidding me!?” Then she would blame it on the standard most parents do- that’s how kids are, or she must have learned this from someone at school. I almost fainted. 

When we had quiet moments at work, and there were a lot it as we were not motivated there, we’d talk and she would recall when she was little how her mother always made her feel bad about herself and told her not to be stupid because other people might think you’re stupid, and sometimes she would mention how much it hurt and bothered her.

She would never put it together. I kid you not. No connection at all. Some might think this was, how you say, stu……..

The Mailman Will be Just Fine

I received an email- “7 Secrets to Living a Happier Life”.  The suggestions ranged from writing down daily affirmations, a la Stewart Smalley, to being kind and saying hello to people you normally wouldn’t, like your Mailman.

Oh please.

Now, I’m not that skeptical or jaded. I realize some people actually do have the sincere and legitimate intention of spreading/sharing inspiration and cheer to brighten the day. You can tell, feel it. You can even feel it in their electronic communication.  But that’s not the motivation of some. Those motivations, like the email I received, are not meant to brighten anyone else’s day but the person who sent it. By me/others changing, all things will finally be better…..for them.

Quick remedy and no muss no fuss mass emails and social media posts ranging from the big men on campus, The Dali Lama and Ghandi, to new age problem solving lines; What Appears to be a Problem or Road Block is a Blessing in Disguise” and the age old, “If You Can’t Find Something Nice to Say About Someone……”  feel like nothing more than transparent manipulation.

We’ve all heard whining, and done a lot of whining ourselves, “If they would only see how wrong they are, then they could change and everything would fine.” This lack of self awareness spills all over the place, “I’m going to start numbers two and four tomorrow, don’t you want to join me?”  Was the tagline my happiness email came with. “I’ve been sneaking St. John’s wart in his coffee every morning, hopefully he’ll be happier soon!” Was an option a friend took instead of having a conversation with her husband. “I’ve been posting more and more inspirational messages on my Facebook page, you’d think she’d see them and get with the program.” Was another friends idea to, uh, help? a family member.  

In other words, I don’t care what’s going on in your life, and I clearly don’t want to be bothered to be there for you and talk about anything significant, just hurry up and change to accommodate me. You might as well say this, because isn’t that what you truly mean?

These life improvers love Ghandi. One of his most famous ideologies, “If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. … We need not wait to see what others do.”  Or more commonly condensed to, “Be the Change You Wish to See in the World.” Is a favorite to post/recite/preach. 

Where in there does it suggest to subliminally, and not so subliminally, force people to change so they don’t bug you? If we could change ourselves, ourselves, did you get that part? OURSELVES….not mother, brother, ex-boyfriend, child, cashier at grocery store, sister, friend, spouse, driver in the next lane, co-worker who I think is scheming for my job. In words Ghandi would probably never utter- LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE! GO DO IT YOURSELF!  

I understand that if this happened there wouldn’t be time for the easy route, i.e., the Mailman, but I have a feeling he’ll be just fine.

So, I Used to Date This Yahoo

Running into an ex unexpectedly is actually no biggie for me. Running into this ex, is an entirely different story.

I had the flu and was on the way to my couch, unfortunately I had to stop by the store first. I entered the store and-  BOOM! 

I didn’t dread seeing him because I looked so awful, I dreaded seeing him because….

Me:               How have you been?

What I Was Thinking:        Oh no. Not now

Him:              Eh, OK, except it sucks around here. There’s no work. It’s like totally dead.

What He Was Thinking:       Man she looks terrible

Me:                 That’s rough. I have the flu and…

He barely acknowledges this, interrupts me and continues to talk. And talk. And talk. About himself.

As he goes on and on…and on and on and on, I have horrible flashbacks of when we dated and imagine that this is what VETs experience with  PTSD.

Him:             …….and, it’s like, totally gay, ya know?

WIWT:          How charming. He still uses the word gay to mean stupid 

WHWT:        I look so much better than her, and she dumped me? Ha! I bet she wants                     me back

WIWT:         I want my couch

As he babbles on we make our way out the door and are at my car. Which was fine because I had to get a part for my car and he installed it for me.   

The car part installation is over, yet he continues. I attempt to break his stream of blathering.

Me:           You know if you can’t find work, you should give me your card. I know a lot of people…

WIWT:       I can be nice, he fixed my car thing, and I do know people. I am proud of                       myself

Him:          Oh, ya know. I don’t have any cards on me……

WHWT:      Knew it. She totally wants me 

Him:          ….the Dude I was getting them from like totally screwed me. I was like Dude….

WIWT:        Dude like? Dude like? What was I thinking? I did this for two years?                               TWO! WHOLE!  YEARS!

I get in my car.

Him:            ……..and of course, nothing. I have to find another guy who won’t jerk me around…..

I start my car.

Him:               ……….but it’s hard to find ya know? Someone who won’t rip you off…..

I wave while driving off and he is STILL TALKING!

He was always like this. When he gets nervous, which was/still is most of the time, he cannot stop talking. In conjunction with that, he thinks most females who pay any sort of attention to him “want” him. Even coughing up a lung and then driving away is an indication of affection.

Fast Forward a Couple Months

I moved into a new place and was up early cleaning. I decided to go by Home Depot to rent a carpet cleaner. As I’m in the check out line, guess who I see?

Me:             Oh my God, not again.

WIWT:     Oh my God, not again

Him:           Whoa, what a coincidence.

WHWT:    Coincidence? Right. She probably saw my car in the parking lot

Me:             I know. This is too funny.

WIWT:     This is not funny at all

As we are both checking out and approaching the exit, it would be more awkward than it already is to not walk out together.

As per usual he is babbling on and on, and on and on, so much so that he doesn’t realize he is walking with me to my car.

I again attempt to break the stream.

Me:              So, where is your car?

WIWT:      Why are you walking with me to mine?

Him:             Oh, over there.

WHWT:     Oh man, she won’t stop.  This is sad. I’ll let her down easy

Him:            So, yeah, I have so much to do, a lot going on……like I never have time for…….

WIWT:     Oh my God! I don’t care what you have going on! Stop talking!                                     Pay attention!  Go to your car!!!

I say good bye, and leave him rambling.

Fast Forward Another Couple Months

I was feeling under the weather again, and at the grocery store stocking up on soup and comfort food when, yep. You guessed it.

Me:           OK, this is getting weird.

WIWT:   This is getting weird

Him:          Right, you’re totally stalking you.

WHWT:   She’s totally stalking me!

We make some uncomfortable small talk, I say farewell and start to walk away. This doesn’t work of course because he then turns his cart around and  starts walking in the same direction as I am.

Me:              What are you doing?

WIWT:     Oh my God! What are you doing?!

Him:            Oh, well, I…uh….have some shopping to do…

WHWT:    Oh no, she wants to know what I’m doing after this

Me:             But you were headed in the opposite direction….

WIWT:     I can’t believe what a clueless a buffoon he still is

WHWT:    I can’t believe she’s watching my every move. I better make sure she                             knows what’s up

He’s now even more nervous, which makes his verbal diarrhea even worse.

Him:           …….yeah, well, I have to get some stuff over in home repair for the house, but not too much                   I’m thinking of moving out of town because there’s no work around. I’m calling …..

WIWT:        Oh good Lord! I’m not interested you! SHUT UP! WALK AWAY!

I can’t take anymore, so I just walk away. 

Fast Forward Another Couple Months

Oh yes, again. Back at the grocery store I see him from a distance and I know he sees me too. He doesn’t realize I saw him and he quickly turns to avoid me by pretending to be interested in the baking aisle.

Being dissed by someone you wanted nothing to do with is the worst.

The End,  Or So I Hope

The moral of this story? Not sure. I dated him about 17 years ago, maybe the moral is hindsight is 20/20?  If I knew then what I know now….? Well, sure, but then I wouldn’t have any material.